The Genre Apocalypse - Rough Cut 1


This is a shoddy excuse for a well referenced bibliography! I am just placing links and references here before I tidy them up properly!


Allen, Martina. “Against ‘Hybridity’ in Genre Studies: Blending as an Alternative Approach to Generic Experimentation”.Trespassing Journal: an online journal of trespassing art, science, and philosophy 2 (Winter 2013). Web. ISSN: 2147-2134.

Allen, Robert (1989): 'Bursting bubbles: "Soap opera" audiences and the limits of genre'. In Ellen Seiter, Hans Borchers, Gabriele Kreutzner & Eva-Maria Warth (Eds.): Remote Control: Television, Audiences and Cultural Power. London: Routledge.

Altman, Rick (2012), Film/Genre, BFI Publishing, London.

Anderson, Chris, 2004: The Long Tail. In Wired Magazine [online] 10th January 2004. Available from:   Accessed on Nov 13th 2015.

Caraher, B.G, (2006), Re-framing Genre Theory: Cultural and Historical Motives Engendering Literary Genre in Dowd, G, Strong, J, & Stevenson, L 2006, Genre Matters : Essays In Theory And Criticism, Bristol: Intellect, eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost, viewed 31 January 2016.

Chandler, Daniel (1997): 'An Introduction to Genre Theory' [14.2.16]

celestino deleyto-  Film Genres at the Crossroads: What Genres and Films Do to Each Other in Grant, BK (ed.) 2012, Film Genre Reader IV, University of Texas Press, Austin, TX, USA. Available from: ProQuest ebrary. [7 February 2016].

Culler, Jonathan. Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism, Linguistics and the Study of Literature. London: Routledge, 1975.

Derrida, Jaques tr.  Avital Ronell The Law of Genre): Source: Critical Inquiry, Vol. 7, No. 1, On Narrative (Autumn, 1980), pp. 55-81 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: 

De Semlyen, Nick 7 Jan 2016, The Revenant Review Empire magazine

Fritz, Ben, Spet 3rd 2012: Cadre of film buffs helps Netflix viewers sort through the clutter

Hill, F.I (1995). "The Rhetoric of Aristotle". A Synoptic History of Classical Rhetoric (2nd rev. ed.), Davis, CA. Hermagoras Press.

Madrigal, Alexis .C – jAN 2, 2014: the atlantic : How Netflix Reverse Engineered Hollywood:

Metz, C 2011, Approaches to Semiotics [AS] : Language and Cinema, Walter de

Neale, Steve. Genre and Hollywood. Florence, KY, USA: Routledge, 1999. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 31 January 2016.

staiger , janet  - Hybrid or Inbred: The Purity Hypothesis and Hollywood Genre History  - in Grant, BK (ed.) 2012, Film Genre Reader IV, University of Texas Press, Austin, TX, USA. Available from: ProQuest ebrary. [7 February 2016].

Tudor, Andrew (1974): Image and Influence: Studies in the Sociology of Film. London: George Allen & Unwin

Wittgenstein, Ludwig [1953]. Philosophical Investigations. Blackwell Publishing.

Zacharek Review: There’s Lots of Suffering in The Revenant, But Bear With It in Time Magazine


The Revenant,  González-Iñárritu, 2016, New regency pictures.

Ghostbusters, 1984, Ivan Reitman,  Columbia pictures corporation.

Music videos:

Sabotage, beastie boys, directed by spike jonze . Grand Royal Records 1994.

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