The Genre Apocalypse - Rough Cut 1

Thursday 31 March 2016

Intro: What is this project?

On here is my short film (9 minutes). I have still a few placeholder titles in there where i need to add a scene or two (although im starting to think I might not need them as its chaos enough as it is!). Anyway I'm using this a teaching tool for my A level classes to get them thinking about Genre hybridity and the way in which it is used currently and maybe potentially. There are questions at the end which i would use with students I guess but if you guys have any questions or advice on what works and what doesn't then that would be great.

Please ignore the million and one continuity errors and plot holes! 

THE GENRE APOCALYPSE? : Escaping genre's 'presumption of universality' – Do dominant genres need to mix in order to survive? An experiment in genre hybridity. 

Are media texts always confined (whether by institution, artist or audience) to the generic? Can the dominant forms of genre be challenged by a text which attempts to become ‘paradoxically genre-less’ as a result of it being ‘continuous genre mixing.’ Would a multi-hybrid, patchwork genre film be as filmic as a ‘pure’, classical genre film? Does the mixing and blending of the ‘pure genre’ degrade and destroy genre’s usefulness as a concept, or does the existence of a range of genres within a movie ensure that genre is given centre stage, and thus the most important construction of all?

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